My Hair.
So as I say to my friends that I am going to blog about my new hair color (yes, I died my hair for 4 times in 5 months time). I am quite addicted to dye my hair into different colors because i wanna seek peepos's *attention*. LOL nah,just kidding.I died my hair that often because i get really bored with brown colored hair. I died my hair to a sort of dark brown when i finish my SPM. One week before CNY, I died it again to something copper brown and the outcome is a bit like *LALA* and i felt so awkward with the hair color.I am so afraid that police might come and check my IC ! hahahaha ! And I died it to something like Berry Red before I went off to get my SPM result. The red dye did not get the outcome that i wanted and my hair turned into something like chestnut brown which is quite nice too. And last week, I finally decided to dye my hair to purple because I wanna look simply gorgeous for the Topshop/Topman SS12 Catwalk Preview @ Zebra Square because I know that there will be many fashionistas during the show ! So how can I not look gorgeous on that night right? Haha ! Some of my friends requested pictures for my newly dyed purple hair and so I snap a few pictures but the color doesn't seems to be very obvious :( After one week, my color started to fade off and i think my hair color is turning into REDDISH PURPLISH PINK ! But I am fine with pink too because I wanted to dye my hair pink too ! :)
Le Copperish Brown hair. |
Copperish Brown hair.
My purple hair ! ♥♥♥ |
Color starts to fade off and turning into red. |
I only get to take these few photos at the moment. Please ignore my face ! College just started and I look like a freaking zombie that has not been sleeping for weeks ! Talking bout college, Monday was my orientation day amd i gotta say that Orientation Day = Total Boredom ! It's like freaking boring. Only the club and society day, which is on Wednesday was my favorite part of orientation week ! My schedule is so packed at the moment ! Need to wake up at 5.15am morning almost everyday :( I really need to get a car as soon as possible so that I can drive to class everyday ! Taking train to class and back home everyday is seriously sickening especially during peak hours ! Everyone squeeze into the train like sardines in can ! :( Hear from me soon ! Signing off with a picture of the day :) Bye ! Adrian.C xx
Got this pair of glasses from TOPMAN :) |