Hey guys ! I bet you all know what happen on the 28th of April right? Well basically if you dont know what happened, just GOOGLE it out please :) Well I am here to blog about my opinion about "
BERSIH 3.0." I saw many people post stuff and pictures and videos of Bersih 3.0 and I did not really bother about it till like 10 minutes ago when I decided to write this post. I saw HORRENDOUS pictures of our
PDRM (Polis Di Raja Malaysia) gather around a Media Reporter and whack him up ! I mean, WTF is wrong with you guys(
PDRM) ? Don't you realize that you are hurting those innocent citizens? Although there are some people are making chaos through the riot, but PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYE to see the difference between the INNOCENT and GUILTY citizens. There's no need to hurt INNOCENT people ok? And to those citizens who joined the riot to purposely create a chaotic atmosphere, you guys did a bad decision coz you guys make me cant get into KL city center. Which means I cant go shopping -.- Anyway, dear PDRM, please think before taking silly actions by hurting your own country's citizens :)
Media got whack up ! :( |
Innocent citizens got teared ! :( |
This is seriously NO JOKE ! |
BERSIH from all around the world :) |