Swennie Swen.
Ola peepos ! It was my darling, Kow Ying Swen 18th Birthday last Thursday..Hey honey, dont be mad at me kay? I swear I did not forget about your birthday because you are my loved one :) I even saw the reminder on my wall about your birthday but I took no action because I do not one my comment on your wall to sink down by other people's post. So, I've decided to make something special this year :) I want to BLOG about your birthday so that people around le world can see my dedication to your birthday !! How meaningful eh? And also, I wanted to be the last one to wish you Happy Birthday so that you will remember who is le best !! LOLLOL I hope you liked what i did for you and hope that you will treasure it deep down in your heart :) And here's a lil something even special for you ! Enjoy ! :)

LOL..Fair enough? I took these photos just for you Swen ! I'm so not gonna miss your 21st Birthday !! I'm gonna get you a very very very UNIQUE pressie. :) And yea ! I got you something special this year :D Scroll down !
Guess what :) Nah, just kidding. How could I ever afford a Louboutin heels :) |
Instead of Louboutin, I got you this dress :) |
And last but not least, I'm gonna end my post by giving all my readers a bigggggg KISS LOLLOL
xoxo -Adrian.C- |