Hello loves. I'm pretty sure that most of my friends and social media followers know that I just flew to Bangkok for a short trip before my new semester started off. It was quite a spontaneous trip with my cousins because there is this one fine day when we were being a kehpoh(busybody) on Malindo's website, we saw that the air tickets were freakingly cheap so we seal the deal immediately! LOL
And on that day itself we booked our hotels from Agoda.com because they were having great deals and discounts as well! We stayed at our favorite hotel, KC Place which is allocated in Pratunam but there's a mishap. Mana tau they have a sister hotel at Srinakarin which is near to the Survanabhumi Airport. I've accidentally booked the wrong one and shit just got real. But luckily the KC Place Srinakarin is not as dodgy as we thought it was. It turned out to be better than the one in Pratunam!
Have you seen the un-glam side of me? This is not the worst yet leh..HAHAHAHA
It was my first time flying with Malindo Air and to be honest, I was quite scared la despite seeing a few suspicious looking guy that looks like they were going to hijack the plane! LOL I'm thinking too much. But the overall experience was so good! The leg space is so wide and they have FREE inflight entertainment also leh! Ya I'm very kiasu because I ain't gonna pay for inflight entertainment! :P
Did my nails before I fly off to Thailand. But at the end I removed it because we went for manicure at Platinum Mall because it's so CHEAPPPPPP to do your nails in Bangkok!
Medium Rare Grilled Beef 8/10!
Thailand style hotpot! 9/10 because the broth is so good!
We always consider ourselves lucky because we have an uncle working and living in Bangkok! He picked us up at the airport and went for dinner! I always have a special place in my stomach for Thai food because Thai food is the BEST! So much flavour and texture!
Chang beer and chilling session at the Train Market
Budak un-glam V1.0
Budak un-glam V2.0
We checked in to our hotel and went out to explore this new place called Srinakarin. Apparently, they have this Train Market that opens from 5pm - 1am! What's most interesting is that the clothes and accessories and whatever things that they were selling there is INSANELY CHEAP I can 200% assure all of you!
After dinner, we took a cab and went to our hotel. It was about 30 minutes car ride and half way through it, my cousin asked the cab driver for "Hong Nam" aka TOILET when we were in the middle of a traffic jam. -.- Luckily the cab driver managed to get her to the "Hong Nam" or else she gotta do her business either when we reaches the hotel or just do it in the cab as it! LOL
There's still a lot more I have to blog about. Can't fit everything in one post or else I will be serving sardines in a can! Till next time.
Well I'm kinda late to say that but because I'm doing a blogpost for Chinese New Year, so I can still say that right? Hahah
Year 2015 is the year of the Ram and nothing beats Chinese New Year with all the foods and drinks that I would so wallop all day everyday! And also the ang pows that I will be receiving. YASSSSSS Visiting relatives, snacking sinful CNY bites and goodies, having family reunion dinner almost everyday and also playing firecrackers, all of them are listed in the annual CNY activity bucket list.
50 Shades of Ang Pow as quoted by Wendy Zagorski.
We gamble once a year during CNY but when we gamble, we gamble hard all day all night long! LOL
Fireworks everywhere like World War III is happening wtf
Every year, my dad's side will have prayer on the 8th day of CNY and the amount of food that we will be having is OUTRAGEOUS. How can you not LOVE roasted porkkkkkk?
Mum's side partially family portrait. Yes, PARTIALLY only.
Me and the KinkyBlueFairy Team doing a photo shoot for our CNY greeting cards. Aren't we adorable?!
Me and a few of my cousins went for our annual Lou Sang at Sushi Zanmai. Lena was supposed to join us but she got stuck at work.
Selfies with my cousins and some of the Lao Zha Bor (Aunties). Lol
Left : OOTD for CNY day 1
Top : Asos // Bottom : H&M // Sunnies : Topman // Bag : Goyard St Louis // Sandals : Birkenstock
Right : OOTD for CNY day 2
Top : Asos // Jeans : Thrift // Bag : Chanel Boy // Sunnies : Burberry // Sneakers : New Balance
As most of my friends know, I have changed my hair color numerous times and still counting! From black till blonde, and now till crazy colors! I've tried all the colors that is on the colour wheel! From time to time, I'm starting to get bored of crazy color hairs because there is not a single color I haven't tried. My dad is always complaining about me dying my hair very often and at one point, he gave up complaining about it that much. Lol
So recently, I approached
The Met Salon KL which is located at Park Royal Hotel Kuala Lumpur. The reason why I approach them is because my boss and SweetEe did their hair there and I freaking love their hair color very much!
So I made an appointment with them and upon consultation, I just tell them that they can go as crazy as they want and I DO NOT MIND HAVING CRAZY COLOR HAIR! Why have boring hair when you can have colorful hair. Right? So we've decided to bleach my hair and dye it BLUE and GREEN in a zig zag pattern.
Hair bleaching Version 1.0 and 2.0. I think we can go for another round of bleaching tho!

The coloring process. The part covered with foil is green! The rest will be colored blue!
The color outcome was good but not really what I had in vision. Because I wanted super attention seeking hair color! Hahaha But anyway, I really like the color more and more each day because the color is starting to fade off quite a lot!
And recently, I have an obsession for DIY manicure too! Lol
Who doesn't like CHEAP and CHIO nails? Right? Hahah
Oh hi people on the internet ! It's been awhile since the last post that I did about the ajitsuke tamago tutorial. I've been quite busy since then rushing assignments and deadlines and also exams. Life is hard to be a design student especially interior design student. We have to not only build models, but also to write reports, and sit for examination as well. Fuck my life literally wtf. So now I am having a sweet 3 months semester break after months of living in hell.
And so, I've decided to work and I got a job from TopShop ! Well actually I fill up the job vacancy form at TopShop only because there's no other clothing lines that I fancy much to work in lolwth. Many people do ask me why did I choose to work in a clothing store instead of coffee shops and other stuff. Well the reason is simple. I choose to work in a clothing store because I've been dying to study in fashion but I couldn't and that is why I choose to work in a clothing department to fulfill my desperate. hahaah...Since the first day of my work, I knew that I will be loving my job and yes I did LOVE my job very very much. Despite being surrounded by pretty clothes, I am also surrounded by lovely lovely peoples. Fabulous and funny colleague I would say :)
Oh ! And not to forget, I can wear nice nice to work as well leh...But still, this company have their own restriction which is to wear their brand's clothing but it's alright because their clothes are like damn nice la...Who would reject wearing TopShop and Topman's clothes? I know I wouldn't. hahahah Since I wore proper and nice clothes to work everyday, I try to snap more OOTD photos so that I can make my blog alive again. I have this colleague which we both help each other to capture each other's OOTD photos. We sounded very hiao but come on la...Life is too short to not be hiao..hahahaha She's also a blogger, a TVC talent and our very own Personal Shopper in Sunway Pyramid. She's gorgeous gorgeous Ming. hahahahaahaaaahha Ok. I lazy to write more stuff dy. Ending my post with pictures hmmm kay?
Cap : 40oz // Top : Topman // Jeans : Thrift store // Sneakers : New Balance
Beanie : Daiso // Top : Topman // Bottom : Valentino // Shoes : Dr Martens
Cap : OBEY // Top : Topman // Checked Shirt : Padini // Bottom : Valentino // Sneakers : New Balance
Top : Topman // Shorts : F.O.S // Bag : MNG